duck out

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englanti puhekieltä To depart quickly or exit abruptly, especially in a manner which does not attract notice and before a meeting, event, etc. has concluded.
1921, w:Ring Lardner|Ring Lardner, Sr., The Big Town, ch. 4:
Wile they was still talking along these lines, the orchestra begin to drool a Perfect Day, so I ducked out on the porch for air.
1991, Richard Berke, " Sizzling 40-Year Streak Of Never Missing a Vote," New York Times, 8 June (retrieved 26 Nov 2010):
Fearful of missing a roll-call, Representative Charles E. Bennett has ducked out of funerals, bolted from hospital beds and defied snowstorms to get to the House chamber.
2002, Leonie Lamont, " Working mothers triumph in two rulings," Sydney Morning Herald (Australia), 29 Aug. (retrieved 26 Nov 2010):
Cathy Song needed to duck out from work at 3pm to ferry her child from pre-school to a neighbour's.
puhekieltä To depart quickly or exit abruptly by way of, especially in a manner which does not attract notice and before a meeting, event, etc. has concluded.
1981, ",9171,949176,00.html Copious Coping: How Other Mayors Fare," Time, 15 June:
The four-term Democrat, known to critics as "King Kevin" and "Mayor De Luxe," has been threatened with recall petitions and recently ducked out the back door of a restaurant to avoid picketers.
puhekieltä or (m) To move or act so as to achieve avoidance, escape, or evasion.
1911, w:Jack London|Jack London, "A Piece of Steak" in When God Laughs and Other Stories:
In the one moment he saw his opponent ducking out of his field of vision and the background of white, watching faces; in the next moment he again saw his opponent and the background of faces.
1978, ",5117555&dq=ducking-out&hl=en Another free lunch" (editorial), St. Petersburg Times (USA), 20 March, p. 10A (retrieved 26 Nov 2010):
Congress even now is considering enlarging that deficit by cutting those taxes. . . . It means ducking out of the basic Social Security problem.
2002, Ian Taylor, " Obstacles to Change in Africa," Foreign Policy in Focus, 1 April (retrieved 26 Nov 2010):
Any project for renewal is subject to a wide variety of destabilizing forces, not least when elites seek to duck out from the commitments they themselves have made.


  • "Varokaa tuota luotia — se saavuttaa meitä!" (Carl Barks. Aku Ankka entisaikojen Kaliforniassa (Donald Duck in Old California), suomennos Soile Kaukoranta)"

  • "Toinen hyvä juttu jota minulta kysytään monta kertaa vuodessa on seuraavanlainen: joku hyypiö, joka ei erota päätään reiästä maassa, tulee metsästämään nimikirjoitustani jälleenmyyntiä varten. Tyypillinen tälläinen on hieman vanhempi mieshenkilö, joka myy tavaraa kirpputoreilla. Tyyppi tulee, läimäyttää eteeni vuoden 1962 DELLin Donald Duck -lehden ja pyytää siihen nimikirjoitustani. Minä katson häntä ja sanon: 'Olin 11-vuotias kun tämä julkaistiin.' Sitten hän sanoo: 'Ööh... Tarkoittaako tämä ettet piirtänyt sitä"


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